Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Essential Questions

1.     How do you achieve a balance between cost-saving measures, important features, and environmental responsibility when designing a residential structure?
You can achieve balance by installing the true needs of the owner.

2.     What are the advantages and disadvantages of using 3D architectural software rather than creating hand-produced plans?
You can see what it looks like and it looks more realistic as well as more accurate of a scale the cost of the software.

3.     Why are organizations such as LEED important?
So that they can improve the quality of the design.

4.     When planning a project, how does the availability of public utilities impact the design?
Since it can limit the design by using building codes in the zoning area.

5.     What options are available for the management of waste water from a building?
Have a good sewage system with a minimum 2% slope.

6.     What are the important considerations when design a plumbing system?
To plan ahead so you don't have excess left over when your done and to find the shortest path.

7.     Why should a designer know about the different types of lighting and their applications?
So they know what type and how much of light would best suit the situation.

8.     What are the important considerations when designing an electrical system?
That they should be simple but efficient.

9.     What information is important when documenting the design of a building?
The building codes and requirements are important to remember.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Habitat House

We are making a Habitat for Humanity house for the Shively family.  The family contains four people: Drew Shively- 30, Ladashe- 29, Zxavier- 8, Bob- 6.  Drew's family enjoys sporting events.  They also enjoy to hang out with their friends.  They like their car and their TV.  The want to have a Split Level house.  They want four bedrooms and three bath rooms.  The maximum square footage they can have is 1233 ft squared.  The would like to have some extra storage.  They would like to have few to no windows facing the prevailing winds.  They would also like to have their water heater close to their pluming fixtures.  They want to incorporate a large main room.

Bubble Diagram


Site Plan


Dimensioned Floor Plans


Wall Sections

Window And Door Schedule

Room Schedule

Electrical Plan

Pluming Plan


Storm Water Runoff

Pre-development Runoff

Cf= 1.25
C= .1
i= 3.05
A= 0.5
(1.25)(.1)(3.05)(.05) = .2

Post development runoff

Drive Way

A= .044
C= .825
i= 3.05
Cf= 1.25
0.04×.825×3.05×1.25= .126 
Q= .126 for drive way


A= 1120 / 43560= .026
C= .85
i= 3.05
Cf= 1.25
Q= .084 for house


A= .5- .044- .026= .43
C= .1
Cf= 1.25
i= 3.05
Q= 1.64 for site

.126 +.084 +1.64 = 1.85 
The site run off is 1.85

The difference in the runoff is 1.35 and I suggest a ditch would take care of this.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Wind turbines in wells county

What do you think? Do you think wind energy is a good idea? Respond with a salient fact and your opinion for a bonus point! You must link a source.

I think that it is a good idea to use wind energy.  It is wind almost every day and can save a lot of energy.  according to <http://www.myenergysolution.com/solar-wind/wind-faqs.html> wind energy can save you up to 70% on your energy bill.

Monday, October 22, 2012

You will learn more about green and sustainable practices and then respond to the questions. For each statement below, describe a reasonable action. Use the US Green Building Council (www.usgbc.org) and the US Environmental Protection Agency (www.epa.gov) sites to begin your search, but seek out reliable information on each topic from at least one other website source.  . Be sure to cite each additional reference.

1.    Rainfall falls on most parcels of property throughout the world. Describe one method that could be used to collect this natural resource.

Website: http://timesdaily.com/stories/Collecting-rainwater-easy-way-to-go-green,188491

 A good way to collect rain water is to use a rain barrel. They can collect 55 gallons of water and has an overflow valve that transports water away for the house.

2.  Describe an innovative construction method or technique that benefits the environment.

Website: http://www.greenhomebuilding.com/rammedearth.htm

 Rammed earth is a good way to insulate your house and is cheap.

3.   During the construction cycle of the building, materials and components are delivered to the site. List a strategy that you will use to recycle the waste produced during the construction phase.

Website: http://www.mass.gov/dep/recycle/reduce/cdrguide.pdf

I would keep some containers on site to recycle.  I would keep them close to the site so that to reduce transportation cost.

4.  Energy use is high in commercial buildings. What might a designer do to reduce energy consumption in a building?

Website: http://www.inc.com/ss/9-ways-cut-energy-costs

They would use energy efficient appliances and add extra insulation.

5.   Building sites offer natural resources that can be utilized for the life of the building. Describe a method to use a site’s natural resources in the construction of the structure.      

Website: http://www.isopropertyresources.com/Feature-Story/Articles/Green-Building-Methods.html

You could use locale material to use and this will also cut down on transportation cost.


1.    Describe an original green and sustainable idea that you have. Choose one that is not currently in use as far as you know.
I think that insulation used from recycled rubber would be good.  Rubber doesn't conduct well so I think it would trap the cool/ warm air inside.

2.    Describe an improvement that you believe could be made to the building where you live. Describe why it is an improvement.

We could use an energy efficient water heater and water softener.  We use water on a regulate basis, so then this would cost down on cost.

Monday, September 17, 2012


1.    What is your age?
I am 26 years old

2.    Where do you live?
I am currently living in Austin, Texas.

3.    What do you like to do outside of work?
I like to spend time with family and play sports.

4.    What is your job title?
I am currently a drafter for the Head Architecture.

5.    When and why did you choose your career path?
I enjoy architecture and hope to someday design my own stuff

6.    What is the name of your company or employer?
National Architects of Texas

7.    Describe your primary duties and skills. [Cite your source(s)]
I have to take the designs and draw them on the computer.

8.    Describe your physical work environment.
Its an open office with long hours spent drawing something that will eventually help other people.

9.    What is your favorite part of your job?
My favorite part of my job is when I finish a design.

10. What is your salary? [Cite your source(s)]
My annual salary is $57,062.
11. Which accredited school did you first attend, and what was your degree? [Cite your source(s)]
I have a Masters degree from The University of Texas at Austin. 

12. Describe in detail three of the courses that you took which are closely related to your current career. [Cite your source(s)]
One of the courses I took was Prototyping.  In this class we learned how to prototype.  Another course I took is 20th and 21st Century Designers.  In this class we learned about the styles modern architects use.  Another course was Architecture and Society.  In this class we learned about the influences of society on architecture. 

13. Describe the two courses that you considered most challenging. [Cite your source(s) and include a course listing from the appropriate degree program]
The two most challenging courses I took is Applied Calculus and Physics.  These took many hours of studying and doing homework.
14. What resources did your school have available to help you get through the most difficult courses? [Cite your source(s)]
They had clinics and internships that helped us get experience.
15. Regarding the two most challenging courses, how did you persevere?  
I stayed in my dorm and studied or would get help from my classmates.

16. From what school(s) did you receive graduate degrees? [Cite your source(s)]
I received my graduates degree from The University of Texas.
17. What was the title or titles of the degree(s)? [Cite your source(s)]

18.  What licenses do you have and what were the exams required to receive those licenses? [Cite your source(s)]
 I passed the Principles and Practice in Engineering to get my engineering listens.

19. How would your clients and co-workers describe you?
They would say I am the answers to their prayers.

20. What do you hope to accomplish at the conclusion of your career?
To have a lot of money and to have made a lot of civil works.

21.  Why should a high school student consider a career in your field?  What important contribution(s) can they make?
They could help make things that help make thing that people will use everyday.

1.    You described a career related to civil engineering and/or architecture. Is this the career field that you are currently most interested in at this stage in your life?
A career related architecture that I am interested in is interior design.  I am intrigued with this because i think it would be cool to design the inside of a house.

2.    Rank and describe the three most important characteristics that you value in choosing a post-secondary school.
Good learning environment
Good classes in selected career 
Relatively affordable

3.    Rank the following in the order of importance to you regarding a career: job satisfaction; salary; making a difference; level of responsibility; titles; benefits; hours; co-workers; supervisors.  How will a career in civil engineering or architecture satisfy the factor that you ranked highest?
Job satisfaction
Making a Difference
Co- Workers
Level of Responsibility

It is a fun career and you can throw in a few of your own ideas.

Friday, August 24, 2012


1) Principle of design: Texture

Justification: This structure shows texture because it looks rough.

2) Principle of design: Radial balance 

Justification: This structure shows radial balance because the every thing is centered around the dome.

3) Principle of design: Emphasis 

Justification: This structure shows the white chimney standing out from the rest of the building.

4) Principle of design: line

Justification: This structure shows curved lines on a diagonal axis.

5) Principle of design: unity

Justification: This structure shows unity in how the picture on the wall flows together.

6) Principle of design: Value 

Justification: This structure shows value in the different shades of blue.

7) Principle of design: space

Justification: This structure shows the open space in front of the house.

8) Principle of design: Rhythm

Justification: This structure shows the consistent rhythm of the arches.

9) Principle of design: color

Justification: This structure shows the colors white and gold on the pillars and walls.

10) Principle of design: contrast

Justification: This structure shows the red and blue contrasting each other.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Activity 1.1.1

1.  Define civil engineering.
 Engineer trained in designing and the construction of public works

2.     Define architecture.
Engineer trained in designing and constructing buildings

3.     Describe the origination of the concept of architecture?
Came from the 19th century architect Louis Sullivan

4.     In ancient times how were building materials chosen?
With what material was around them

5.     Give two examples of vernacular architecture.
Igloo's and tepee's.

6.     Name and describe the type of system used to create many early buildings.

7.     What was the purpose of the Egyptian pyramids? Mexican pyramids?
a. So that the pharaohs would have a place to be buried
b.For spiritual rituals

8.     What kind of construction method was used to build the Parthenon? Made a simple sketch to illustrate.

9.     What problem in architecture led to this form of construction?
Need of openings in buildings and added structural strength

10. Explain how an arch is created.
Blocks and are placed in a curved formation so that they support each other

11.  How is the vault used in civil engineering?
Vaults allow for the construction of bridges and walkways

12.  Give an example of an arch and dome system.
Roman architecture is an example of arch and dome

13.  Give an example of a modern material we have that was not available to the ancients. How did this restrict construction in ancient times?
Steel beams
They were not able to make towering buildings

14.  What was the purpose of the Roman aqueducts?
To transport fresh water from the mountains

15.  Compare ancient Greek roads to ancient Roman roads.
Greek roads were not in any particular order
Roman roads were better made and in an order

16. Describe an ancient Roman bridge.
They were supported by arches, the bigger the bridge, the more arches

17. How did building materials and methods change after the Romans?
They became more advanced and more artistic

1.     Give an example of a modern pyramid not shown in the presentation. How does its function differ from that of the Egyptian pyramids? What do you think accounts for this difference?

Modern pyramids are more advanced and made from different materials
the fact that we have more advanced technology

2.     Give an example of a modern structure that uses an arch and dome system.
St. Peters Dome

3.     What is the main purpose of modern roads? How is the cost of modern roadways defrayed?
For travel short and long distances faster
The cost is greater because it is made from man-made material