You will learn more about green and sustainable practices and then respond to the questions. For each statement below, describe a reasonable action. Use the US Green Building Council ( and the US Environmental Protection Agency ( sites to begin your search, but seek out reliable information on each topic from at least one other website source. . Be sure to cite each additional reference.
1. Rainfall falls on most parcels of property throughout the world. Describe one method that could be used to collect this natural resource.
A good way to collect rain water is to use a rain barrel. They can collect 55 gallons of water and has an overflow valve that transports water away for the house.
2. Describe an innovative construction method or technique that benefits the environment.
Rammed earth is a good way to insulate your house and is cheap.
3. During the construction cycle of the building, materials and components are delivered to the site. List a strategy that you will use to recycle the waste produced during the construction phase.
I would keep some containers on site to recycle. I would keep them close to the site so that to reduce transportation cost.
4. Energy use is high in commercial buildings. What might a designer do to reduce energy consumption in a building?
They would use energy efficient appliances and add extra insulation.
5. Building sites offer natural resources that can be utilized for the life of the building. Describe a method to use a site’s natural resources in the construction of the structure.
You could use locale material to use and this will also cut down on transportation cost.
1. Describe an original green and sustainable idea that you have. Choose one that is not currently in use as far as you know.
I think that insulation used from recycled rubber would be good. Rubber doesn't conduct well so I think it would trap the cool/ warm air inside.
2. Describe an improvement that you believe could be made to the building where you live. Describe why it is an improvement.
We could use an energy efficient water heater and water softener. We use water on a regulate basis, so then this would cost down on cost.